Batch Images 5.5.5 Details
Shareware 7.23 MB
Find, resize, crop, watermark, enhance, adjust, convert, rename, and process your pictures and photos in 30+ image formats with 120+ filters and effects using this graphics software. Can opearte in 4 modes: Manual, Background, Scheduled, Console. Supports conditional processing based on image orientation, size, other attributes. Can save results in any of 30+ formats: jpg, png, tiff, jp2... Allows parallel processing on multi-core CPUs.
Publisher Description
Find, resize, crop, watermark, enhance, adjust, convert, rename, and process your pictures and photos in 30+ image formats with 120+ filters and effects using this graphics software. Some features include:
- 120+ Actions and Effects: resize, crop, adjust, contrast, watermark...
- Conditional processing based on image orientation, size, and other attributes
- 4 processing modes: Manual, Background, Scheduled, and Console
- Work with metadata: EXIF, IPTC, GPS, XMP
- Save results in any of 30+ formats: jpg, png, tiff, jp2...
- Full 32-bit support for images with alpha channel
- Resize, scale, shrink, fit to aspect ratio, fit to rectangle...
- Automatic crop, crop to fixed size, crop from edges, crop to W:H ratio
- Color adjustments: brightness, hue, saturation, tint, exposure...
- Use creative effects: pixelate, vignette, frost glass...
- Add static / dynamic text and image watermarks
- Apply tiled, rotated, mirrored, resized watermarks
- Per-channel processing: extract, mix, replace, adjust values, etc...
- Layers with pixel filtering and 40+ Blend Modes: lighten, darken, contrast, inversion...
- 8 Color Models: RGB, HSB/HSV, HSL, HSI, HWB, YCbCr, Lab, LCH
- 20 scaling modes: Lanczos, Bilinear, Bicubic, Box, HqX
- 12 compositing modes: source-over, source-in, source-out...
- Resize canvas and add padding; change print resolution
- Change width and height independently or proportionately
- Set dimensions using pixels, percentages %, or print units
- Automatically shrink images to fit a desired file size in Kilobytes
- Rotate and flip manually or using EXIF orientation tag
- Fit to fixed size or rectangle; fit to aspect ratio
- Fast parallel processing on multi-core CPUs
- Rename image files based on image or file properties and EXIF/IPTC metadata
- Customize output file names with dynamic tags
- Save images to multiple locations and using different settings
- Different image format options: bit depth, compression...
Download and use it now: Batch Images
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